Acrolink 7n-a2070 Rca 1m: 690
AM Audio XLR 1,5mt: 190
Argento Audio Serenity Master Reference Rca 1,5mt: 1650
Audioplan AF Mk V High Level XLR 2mt: 290
Chord Anthem XLR 1mt: 290
Ecosse The Legend MkII XLR 2mt: 2.450 (ex-demo listino 5.755€)
Ecosse La Prima Donna AG-6N XLR 2mt: 1.550 (ex-demo listino 3.065€)
Ecosse Master Reference SE RCA 1mt: 590 (ex-demo listino 1.015€)
Kimber Cable Select 1136 XLR 1mt: 2600 (listino 7430)
MIT AVT Proline 1,5mt: 220
NBS Omega Extreme III XLR 2,4mt: 1.950
Nordost Heimdall Rca 1mt: 450
Siltech Compass Lake G5 XLR 0,75mt: 2250
SINE Platinum XLR 1,2mt: 390
Transparent Reference Rca 1mt: 1450 (generazione 5)
Van Den Hul 3T The Mountain Rca 0,8mt: 450
Van Den Hul 3T The Mountain Rca 1mt: 490
Van Den Hul 3T The Mountain Rca 1,2mt: 590
WBT Signal Cable 2016 Rca 2mt: 190
White Gold Infinito F2 Rca 1mt: 1.100
Wireworld Platinum Eclipse 7 XLR 1,5mt: 1.990€ (listino 5500€)